Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today is the second day of the pratice session i have launched yesterday. Things is not much the same as earlier some few years back. In the filed of Technology, there is much advancement, introduction of many terminoly more sophisticated refine concepts but better sometimes easier to deal ones. CSS is also one of the new technology improvise from i am going to introduce css and why it should be used instaed of table based layouts.

CSS (cascading style sheets) is used to describe presentation of document written in a markup langauge. mostly it is used to style web pages written in html or xhtml , it can also be applied to any kind of xml document.

There are significant advantage css offer compared to other available option table layouts. css seperates layouts,designs and information presneted on the page. These says layout of all pages in a website can be changed at one by editing style defenitions in one .css file. simply loading different .css file with the same content pages one can completely change the aspect of the sitemaking it perfectly suitable for immediate user needs,fx,screenprintingor mobile devices.

css is complaint to most of the new browser while some of olders not.with css one can also most of the accessibility issue raised by table layout cells that can make it really hard.

Though css offer many advantages and give developer very high level of control of layout it is still quite hard to implement correctly.

There are several features css offer while using tabs, while changing text size, bar graphs,drops caps,opacity applied to haeding, easy css pullquotes, link list block hover,resizable image with css . the list many more.

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