Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have not started writiing any piece of technical stuff for a quite a long time. But today i had thought of writing a technical thing as practice on a daily basis so that my writing shall improve and i earn knowledge of technical at the same time. From today onwards, I have decided to put things on words. Be determine to write everyday whatever little a few lines or paragraph it maybe at the beginning. soon you will gain a tempo to write and will improve. So today i have choosen to write on the long form it is google web toolkit.

Basically GWT is a framework for writing ajax interactive web appliaction. ajax are nothing but a technology to write dynamic and faster interactive web i am listing some important feature why one has to choose GWT.

One of the unique feature of GWT is that ou can code in java. At the same time in development you can run your java code in some browser with the sophisticated debugging tools.for deployemnt, the java code is run throught a compiler and then translated to cross browser java script.

Second thing is it has the mechanism for remote proceudre calls between the bwoser and server. It works quite similar with java RMI which define interface and implementations of server functions and code will be generated to allow your client code to call them as if they were simple local method. This replace all the works of defining xml or json data format for request and response.just code the function for the server call the function from clinet code and all of grouping and ungrouping,network communication etc will be done.GWT also supports other RPC method such as XML or JSON OVER http. one can write server code as standard soapor rest web services and gwt will be able to use them directly.

One key feature why one uses ajax framework is to write code that will produce identical results on all browsers.

The next thing is there is a cost the framework has to include code for every browser. Here comes the term defred binding . thie first step of deferred binding happens during compilation. The gwt compiler creates javascript file for each browser type containing all of your application code optimized for just that one browser.

These are some fe point why one has to choose gwt . besides these there are many reason that gwt a compelling choice. gwt is under continous development

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